Now comes the hardest part of all……..paint selection. As you can tell, we definitely are not painters. We even got paint on the floor in our garage that we haven’t even moved into yet. OK, that translates in to, “I got paint on the floor of garage that we haven’t even moved into yet”. But it’s not my fault. I would never have let someone as messy as me open paint in our garage that we haven’t even moved into yet if I had been in control. So it’s Susan’s fault. But why should we obsess on this little matter when there are much bigger problems, like color? That, and the obvious; we are really lousy painters. It’s a wonder we only got paint on the floor in our garage that we haven’t even moved into yet and not on everything else. We are probably the only people that need to hire a painter to put sample swatches on the siding. After that maybe we can decide what color to use and not who spilled the paint.
Ready for rock
Garage trellis
The back of the house
The wiring continues
I like 1-A.